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Agronomists looking at seeds in the field Summit Seeds
At Summit Seeds, we are continuing to grow with our customers by offering superior genetics and service second to none in the industry.
Summit Seeds crops Maizex
At Summit Seeds, we are continuing to grow with our customers by offering superior genetics and service second to none in the industry.
Summit Seeds crops NK
At Summit Seeds, we are continuing to grow with our customers by offering superior genetics and service second to none in the industry.
Agronomists looking at seeds in the field Summit Seeds
Summit Seeds crops Maizex
Summit Seeds crops NK
Summit Seeds logo
At Summit Seeds, we are continuing to grow with our customers by offering superior genetics and service second to none in the industry.
Agronomists looking at seeds in the field Summit Seeds
Summit Seeds crops Maizex
Summit Seeds crops NK
Summit Seeds logo
At Summit Seeds, we are continuing to grow with our customers by offering superior genetics and service second to none in the industry.

Summit Seeds

Summit maintains a full-time trained team of seed specialists who are ready to blend knowledge, experience and products to make our customers a success.

Harvex agronomists in the field
Summit Seeds grain outside
Summit Seeds product
Harvex equipment in the field
Summit Seeds seed in a hand
Summit Seeds soybean crop Dekalb
Summit Seed product
Summit Seed crop Dekalb
Stine Seeds signs inside truck Summit Seeds
Summit Seeds

Summit maintains a full-time trained team of seed specialists who are ready to blend knowledge, experience and products to make our customers a success.

Harvex agronomists in the field
Summit Seeds grain outside
Summit Seeds product
Harvex equipment in the field
Summit Seeds seed in a hand
Summit Seeds soybean crop Dekalb
Summit Seed product
Summit Seed crop Dekalb
Stine Seeds signs inside truck Summit Seeds

Summit Seeds

Summit maintains a full-time trained team of seed specialists who are ready to blend knowledge, experience and products to make our customers a success.

Harvex agronomists in the field
Summit Seeds grain outside
Summit Seeds product
Harvex equipment in the field
Summit Seeds seed in a hand
Summit Seeds soybean crop Dekalb
Summit Seed product
Summit Seed crop Dekalb
Stine Seeds signs inside truck Summit Seeds
Summit Seeds crop with blue skies Summit Seeds crop with blue skies

Our Suppliers

Top 10 reasons
to use certified seed

Summit Seeds logo
  • 1.
    You’re getting clean seed.
    Certified seed is grown under stringent production requirements and has minimal weed seeds or other matter.
  • 2.
    You’re getting varietal purity.
    Certified seed uses systems to maximize genetic purity – making sure you get the variety you want. Off-types, other crop seeds, and weeds are guaranteed to be minimized. And in an era of herbicide tolerant varieties, can you afford to have anything less the the highest possible purity?
  • 3.
    You’re getting guaranteed quality assurance.
    Third party inspections in the field and at the processing plant ensure that all quality assurance requirements have been met. You can rest easy knowing your seed is what you expect it to be and can back up your assurances to others.
  • 4.
    You’re getting access to new opportunities.
    Many end-users are requiring specific varieties for their products.  Using certified seed can open the door to new opportunities and greater sales by providing proof of varietal identity.
  • 5.
    You’re getting new genetics.
    Improved traits like better yield, pest resistance, drought tolerance, herbicide tolerance and much more are delivered to farmers in certified seed.  Years of research and development went into these traits and they can only be reliably accessed through certified seed use.
  • 6.
    You’re getting substance behind your word.
    The blue tag is proof that you used certified seed to maintain the value traits of the crop.  It’s your assurance to grain buyers and others that what you are delivering is what you say it is.
  • 7.
    You’re getting a better deal on crop insurance.
    Certified seed use can, in some cases, allow you to get a better deal on crop insurance premiums.  Insurers know that certified seed means a crop with reduced risk.
  • 8.
    You’re getting maximum use of other inputs.
    You want the best genetics and purest fields to ensure you are making the most of your input dollars. Certified seed means you’re not wasting time and other inputs on a crop that won’t make grade.
  • 9.
    You’re getting access to premium markets.
    Proper inputs make for a good crop, but seed is the only input that can get you more than higher yields.  Use of certified seed can be your ticket to premium markets like tofu soybeans and MORE.
  • 10.
    You’re getting traceability.
    Food safety and traceability are important considerations in agriculture.  You can only be sure of your product if you know its origins.  Certified seed is the key to that knowledge:  production of this seed is carefully controlled under a quality assurance system right from the very beginning.  Using certified seed will allow you to capitalize on a whole history of traceability measures.

Contact us

Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your operation succeed!

Top 10 reasons
to use certified seed

Summit Seeds logo
  • 1.
    You’re getting clean seed.
    Certified seed is grown under stringent production requirements and has minimal weed seeds or other matter.
  • 2.
    You’re getting varietal purity.
    Certified seed uses systems to maximize genetic purity – making sure you get the variety you want. Off-types, other crop seeds, and weeds are guaranteed to be minimized. And in an era of herbicide tolerant varieties, can you afford to have anything less the the highest possible purity?
  • 3.
    You’re getting guaranteed quality assurance.
    Third party inspections in the field and at the processing plant ensure that all quality assurance requirements have been met. You can rest easy knowing your seed is what you expect it to be and can back up your assurances to others.
  • 4.
    You’re getting access to new opportunities.
    Many end-users are requiring specific varieties for their products.  Using certified seed can open the door to new opportunities and greater sales by providing proof of varietal identity.
  • 5.
    You’re getting new genetics.
    Improved traits like better yield, pest resistance, drought tolerance, herbicide tolerance and much more are delivered to farmers in certified seed.  Years of research and development went into these traits and they can only be reliably accessed through certified seed use.
  • 6.
    You’re getting substance behind your word.
    The blue tag is proof that you used certified seed to maintain the value traits of the crop.  It’s your assurance to grain buyers and others that what you are delivering is what you say it is.
  • 7.
    You’re getting a better deal on crop insurance.
    Certified seed use can, in some cases, allow you to get a better deal on crop insurance premiums.  Insurers know that certified seed means a crop with reduced risk.
  • 8.
    You’re getting maximum use of other inputs.
    You want the best genetics and purest fields to ensure you are making the most of your input dollars. Certified seed means you’re not wasting time and other inputs on a crop that won’t make grade.
  • 9.
    You’re getting access to premium markets.
    Proper inputs make for a good crop, but seed is the only input that can get you more than higher yields.  Use of certified seed can be your ticket to premium markets like tofu soybeans and MORE.
  • 10.
    You’re getting traceability.
    Food safety and traceability are important considerations in agriculture.  You can only be sure of your product if you know its origins.  Certified seed is the key to that knowledge:  production of this seed is carefully controlled under a quality assurance system right from the very beginning.  Using certified seed will allow you to capitalize on a whole history of traceability measures.
  • 1.
    You’re getting clean seed.
    Certified seed is grown under stringent production requirements and has minimal weed seeds or other matter.
  • 2.
    You’re getting varietal purity.
    Certified seed uses systems to maximize genetic purity – making sure you get the variety you want. Off-types, other crop seeds, and weeds are guaranteed to be minimized. And in an era of herbicide tolerant varieties, can you afford to have anything less the the highest possible purity?
  • 3.
    You’re getting guaranteed quality assurance.
    Third party inspections in the field and at the processing plant ensure that all quality assurance requirements have been met. You can rest easy knowing your seed is what you expect it to be and can back up your assurances to others.
  • 4.
    You’re getting access to new opportunities.
    Many end-users are requiring specific varieties for their products.  Using certified seed can open the door to new opportunities and greater sales by providing proof of varietal identity.
  • 5.
    You’re getting new genetics.
    Improved traits like better yield, pest resistance, drought tolerance, herbicide tolerance and much more are delivered to farmers in certified seed.  Years of research and development went into these traits and they can only be reliably accessed through certified seed use.
  • 6.
    You’re getting substance behind your word.
    The blue tag is proof that you used certified seed to maintain the value traits of the crop.  It’s your assurance to grain buyers and others that what you are delivering is what you say it is.
  • 7.
    You’re getting a better deal on crop insurance.
    Certified seed use can, in some cases, allow you to get a better deal on crop insurance premiums.  Insurers know that certified seed means a crop with reduced risk.
  • 8.
    You’re getting maximum use of other inputs.
    You want the best genetics and purest fields to ensure you are making the most of your input dollars. Certified seed means you’re not wasting time and other inputs on a crop that won’t make grade.
  • 9.
    You’re getting access to premium markets.
    Proper inputs make for a good crop, but seed is the only input that can get you more than higher yields.  Use of certified seed can be your ticket to premium markets like tofu soybeans and MORE.
  • 10.
    You’re getting traceability.
    Food safety and traceability are important considerations in agriculture.  You can only be sure of your product if you know its origins.  Certified seed is the key to that knowledge:  production of this seed is carefully controlled under a quality assurance system right from the very beginning.  Using certified seed will allow you to capitalize on a whole history of traceability measures.
Contact us
Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your operation succeed!